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The program with the Colors being presented by the Post's Honor Guard. The new Auxiliary Colors are presented. The new Auxiliary Colors. Commander Fernandez presents Nathanial Argueros, the winner of the annual Voice of Democracy essay contest. Auxiliary President Jeri Dunkin, presents an award to the Voice of Democracy winner. Nathanial Argueros reads his essay. Commander Fernandez presents the Boy Scout of the Year Award. Commander Fernandez presents the 4H Member of the Year. Larry Flores, Captain of the Post Honor Guard, is presented with a USMC cover. Commander Fernandez presents awards to volunteers Bob Milton, David Gomez and Max Franco. Commander Fernandez presents awards to the Volunteer Bar Tenders. Commander Fernandez presents awards to Ralph Guerra and Max Franco for conducting the Post's Steak Nights in the Spring and Summer. Commander Fernandez presents the Commander's Award to Walt. Commander Fernandez presents his Commander's Award to Senior Vice Commander Robert Alderete. Commander Fernandez presents his Commander's Award to Larry Flores. Commander Fernandez presents his Commander's Award to Vince Hogan. Commander Fernandez receives a District 9 Award presented by Senior Vice Commander Robert Alderete.